sábado, 12 de abril de 2008

wowwwwww I cannot believe that It's 11 am & I'm writing in my blog jajajaja ..I woke up 10 minutes ago.. jaja I think I'm fallin' in love with this thing aaammm why I didn't fall in love before?? jaja wethever.. I hope to finish this soon...
Today is saturday ... yestarday I was sick but now I'm better ..I think my nephew is coming home & I will have to take him to the movies... I will be a nanny for some hours & if I do it I will have money for tonight my brother pay me for take kare of his son ..and yeasterday I didint do anything ...ofcourse tonigth I want to go out but I'm brokee & I dont why !! I need so money .. so I'll go the movies later with my nephew I guees..
My best friend rebk told me that she wants to go to byblos 2nite .. becuase she has a date and she wants me to go with her and ofcurse I will .. yesterday I slept at my dad's .. because I was writng in this blog until I dont know 3 am o later I dont remember...and I couldn't go to my aunt's because it was very late .. it's next door but I guess she got mad with me because I didnt arrive jeje.. anyway tonight I going to sleep here because .. If I sleep at my aunt's I need to arrive before 12 .. come on! .. I m not cinderella!!! jaja the party starts at 11 or maybe later I cannot go home 10 minutes before midnigh!!!!!..but my dad undernstand the situation and lets me arrive later .. so I will sleep in my younger brother's bedroom because he has the komputer and I can write more in hereeee =) I think I love my blog ..jajaja .. well I dont know how write or how to speak in english ... and probably my english is a messs and everything is wrong but I'm doing my best .. and I know that some day I'm gonna do this right .. I hope so =)...
ammmm I think I will go for some breakfast I'm hungry ..
well gotta go .. for now ..

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